"Seeing and Savoring"

The Rose That No One Wants.

I have just finished reading chapter eight of “Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ” by John Piper, and my heart is overflowing with awe and wonder at the incomparable sufferings of our Lord.

Imagine, if you will, a beautiful rose garden. The flowers are in full bloom, their pedals soft and delicate to the touch. But hidden among the leaves and thorns lies a single rose, crushed and broken. It is the rose that no one wants, the one that is considered too damaged and too painful to even touch. And yet, this is the rose that God chose to make beautiful, the one that he lovingly cultivated into the only hope of redemption for us all.

In the same way, Jesus, the friend of sinners, chose to take on our pain and sufferings, to endure the hideous death of crucifixion, so that we might have life and hope in Him. He was utterly abandoned, with no brothers at his side, and yet he never wavered in His obedience to God the Father.

No one in history deserved suffering less than Jesus, yet no one received so much. Despite having every right to retaliate, Jesus chose to endure unimaginable pain and humiliation for our sake as he fulfilled the prophesy of Isaiah 53:10 that his suffering was planned by God the Father and embraced by God the Son, Acts 2:23.

As Piper points out, the details of Jesus’ crucifixion and the scourging that led up to it were hideous and painful. The victim of crucifixion literally died a thousand deaths, Jesus endured it alone, utterly abandoned by his friends. And yet, even in His agony, he never wavered in His love and forgiveness towards those who mocked and tortured Him.

But as terrible as Jesus’ suffering was, it was not in vain. It was by design and obedience, and ultimately served as a substitution for us so that we might live. As Piper notes,

“The sufferings of Jesus brought us to God who is fullness of joy and pleasure forever more. Our joy in savoring God in His glory in saving us are one. That is the glory of Christ’s incomparable sufferings.”

John Piper

This chapter was a powerful reminder to me of the depth of God’s love for us, and the incredible sacrifice that Jesus’ made on our behalf. As I seek to grow in my relationship with Christ, I am challenged to consider what it truly means to take up my cross and follow Him, even in the midst of suffering.

What a challenging and inspiring read that left me in awe of my Savior!

In Him, with love


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