Daily Devotions,  Letters of Encouragement,  Pursuit of Holiness,  The gospel,  Why does God allow evil?

No Small Compromises!

The air is crisp, and the weather is chilly, not too hot and not to cold. As I walk along a path that has been trodden before, shaded by the rolling hills, I feel a tickle on my leg. It’s just an ant, so I ignore it and keep moving forward. But as I walk, the tickle grows, so I look down and see the ant crawling on my shin on it’s way up my leg. Now I have a choice: I can either ignore the ant or squash it.

But what if that tiny ant could turn into a bear? What if ignoring this small tickle could result in a life-threatening event? Shouldn’t I squash that ant before it turns into a bear or swat it off my leg at the very least?

The same is true of sin in our lives. When we face temptation, it’s essential to take a proactive approach to sin, much like squashing the ant before it becomes a bear. If we allow our sinful desires to take root, they can quickly grow out of control and lead us astray. By recognizing and changing the patterns in our lives that lead to giving in to sin and by seeking forgiveness from God, we can prevent small compromises from becoming larger issues, gain victory over our weaknesses, and grow stronger in our faith.

For me, a person who fails so often, recognizing the patterns that usually lead to sin has been crucial in conquering sin in my walk with Christ. This means being honest with myself about my tendencies and vulnerabilities, acknowledging my weaknesses, and proactively addressing them before they lead me down a path of temptation. Confessing my sinful thoughts before they take root has helped me resist the devil and draw nearer to God.

I find confidence in the fact that God is always ready and willing to forgive me when I stray from the path of righteousness. He is merciful and gracious, always ready for us to return to Him. As the parable of the prodigal son illustrates, God’s love for us is unconditional, and He is always ready to welcome us back with open arms.

So, squash the ant before it becomes the bear! Don’t let small compromises lead to bigger issues. Instead, be proactive in addressing sin in your life and seek reconciliation and forgiveness from God. Remember, that God’s love for us is boundless, and He is always ready to welcome us back.

In Him, with love
