Daily Devotions,  Letters of Encouragement,  Pursuit of Holiness

Pursuit of Holiness


I have found that maintaining holiness is harder while in quarantine. We are supposed to live differently (1 Thess 4:7) than those who are of this world. We are called to think differently (Phil 4:8) and to move with a joy (John 16:22) and contentment (1 Tim 6:6) that can only be explained by the supernatural (Gal 5:22). We, followers of Christ, have been set apart (2 Tim 2:21) and are to be lights shining in the world (Phil 2:15). However, I have found myself thinking more than once during this weird time, “Boy, I hope the neighbors didn’t just hear me yell at my kids.” That’s not supposed to happen. I’m a Christian. I represent the Most High God of all things. I am indwelt by His Holy Spirit (Rom 8:9). So why do I still fail (Rom 7:19)? Why am I constantly having to apologize to my children? The simple answer is that I am weak (Rom 7:24) and I need Jesus (Rom 8:1). I am still in the process of sanctification (Heb 10:14). The onion layers are still being peeled back one by one, and it is painful at times. It is painful to have to look at ourselves for what we are (Rom 7:24), but that’s the good news, isn’t it? That’s the gospel. We are who we are, and He is who He is (1 John 4:14). Our Savior!

We are called to repent of our sins (2 Cor 7:10). However, during this time, it’s challenging because confessing our sins is a crucial aspect of repentance (1 John 1:9; James 5:16). Confessing our sins not only to God but also to a trusted brother or sister (James 5:16) is vital. Unfortunately, due to circumstances, we are unable to gather, and it is difficult to share our confession with others.

Spiritual warfare is real, and the enemy loves to take advantage of times like these. Therefore, it is essential for us to be in the Word (Phil 2:16; Matt 4), on our knees, and on the phone, checking in and staying in touch with our brothers and sisters, confessing our sins (James 5:16), and loving one another (John 13:34). While I know we have all been doing this, I encourage you all to pick up the phone and check in with someone. Ask them not only about their physical needs (though we should also ask if they need anything – James 2:15-16) but also about their walk with the Lord. Let them share their struggles with you, and perhaps you can do the same with them. We shouldn’t be afraid or ashamed to admit our faults, but we do need to confess them. Talking to a friend about our sins is healthy and necessary for our spiritual growth.

So that being said, this quote just struck me as a wonderful truth. The book is,”The Christian in Complete Armour,” by Puritan minister William Gurnell. He offers this practical counsel on how to maintain holiness:

Be sure to get some Christian friend whom thou mayst trust above others to be thy faithful monitor. O that man hath a great help for the   maintaining the power of Godliness, that has an open-hearted friend that dare speak his heart to him!

A stander-by sees more sometimes, by a man, than the actor can do by himself, and is more fit to judge of his actions than he of his own. Sometimes self-love blinds us in our own cause, that we see not ourselves so bad as we are; and sometimes we are over-suspicious of the worst by ourselves, which makes us appear to ourselves worse than we are.

Now that thou mayst not deprive thyself of so great help from thy friend, be sure to keep thy heart ready with meekness to receive, yea, with thankfulness to embrace, a reproof from his mouth. Those that cannot bear plain dealing hurt themselves most; for by this they seldom hear the truth (vol. 1[Carlisle, Penn.:The Banner of Truth Trust. 1967], p. 453). 

In love, In him, we’re blessed,

P.s. I’ve pretty much finished memorizing Prov 3. Moving on to Ephesians ch. 4-6 now. All of scripture is so practical, but for these times I find my soul thirsting for the truths in these specific chapters. 


    • Mike O'Neal

      Hey brother! I watched the video of your boys kayaking around the giant pond. Loved it and was a bit jelly. We miss you and your family. Thanks for reading.