Daily Devotions,  Fellowship,  Pursuit of Holiness,  Uncategorized

A Lighthearted Reflection.

It was in that moment when I realized I had become the disciple and my son the teacher. The exact details of what had occurred escape me, but one thing was clear: my son had gone against my instructions, probably multiple times. As I spoke to him with a voice slightly louder than usual, I noticed a hint of amusement in his eyes. That realization sent a surge of anger through me, and I reacted, raising my voice slightly higher, “What are you laughing at? Do you find disobedience amusing?” Without skipping a beat, he responded, a giggle escaping his lips, “I’m not laughing at what I did; I know it was wrong, and I apologize. I’m laughing at how you’re acting.”

Ouch! There I stood, utterly stunned by the display of mature honesty and breathtaking boldness from my 12-year-old. In that instant, the tables had turned—I had become the disciple, and he, the teacher. Could it be that my dire need for humbling led the Lord to speak to me through my own child? Nah, probably not! But it became crystal clear that he had learned from my impeccable example of leadership, humility, and commitment to truth. Just kidding! Yes, indeed, the Lord was humbling me through my own kid. All I could muster in that moment was a sincere apology. With my head hung low and my heart silently rejoicing, I shuffled back into the house, my embarrassment still lingering. However, I couldn’t help but feel a warm sense of pride knowing that my son was growing into quite the remarkable leader.

It’s blatantly obvious to any discerning observer that my exceptional leadership qualities and unwavering humility have rubbed off on my son. Just kidding! In this lighthearted reflection, I playfully jest about my own abilities. However, deep down, I am incredibly grateful to the Lord for the transformative work He is doing in my life and in the lives of my children. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to shaping me. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for valuing the truth of my need for growth above my fleeting emotions and stubborn pride. I am truly grateful that you have guided me in recognizing and confronting the pride that could otherwise devour me. Lord, from the depths of my heart, I offer you my sincere thanks.

In Him, with love


P.s. Although I felt a sense of pride in my son for calling out my poor behavior, I took a moment to approach his disobedience in a calmer manner. Surprisingly, he received my words with complete understanding, showcasing his own humility. Unlike me, he has the ability to demonstrate humility, and I can certainly learn a lesson from him.