The Psalms

Dancing With Grace. Psalm 5

Good morning, fellow stay-at-home parents! Time for a candid journey through Psalm 5 – the roller coaster of emotions every stay-at-home parent can relate to! As a parent who is constantly dancing between the serious and goofy, I want to share how this psalm speaks to my heart, especially when I’m wrestling with selfishness and struggling to find patience with my children.

Picture this: it’s 7 a.m., the kids are already running wild, and you’re desperately clinging to the last shreds of your sanity. You can’t help but groan and cry out for help, just like David did. Mornings can be tough, and there’s no shame in admitting that we need divine intervention to get through the day.

In the middle of the chaos, we remember that we have a King and a God above all. Our calling as stay-at-home parents is not just an extra responsibility; it’s a sacred duty entrusted to us by the Lord. Let’s humble ourselves before His throne, acknowledging that our strength comes from Him.

I’m not truly a morning person but I do wake up early every day. And as David found solace in morning prayer and sacrifice, I’ve discovered the power of setting aside these morning moments to draw near to the Lord. Starting the day by seeking guidance with gratitude through careful bible study and prayer helps us align our hearts with the Father’s will and sets us up for victory against the invading army of children preparing to head down the stairs.

You know what’s humbling? Realizing that there’s no room for wickedness in God’s presence. That means we need to face our Sin (a.k.a our own dark side). As stay-at-home parents, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and out-of-control, but we must confront our selfishness and strive for righteousness, realizing that we are not the ones who are in-control.

God’s love abounds, especially in the midst of our struggles. He welcomes us with open arms when we turn to Him. We may lack enough patience at times, but God’s guidance is ever-present. Let’s seek His righteousness and let Him lead us in taming our children.

Most times, our worst enemy lurks within ourselves. Ok, our worst enemy is ourselves! Short fuses and impatience can lead to moments we’d like to not remember. Let’s pray for self-awareness and ask God to help us cast out any destructive traits, so we can be the loving and understanding parents our children need.

So, when we struggle, let’s rejoice! God blesses the righteous, and through His grace, we can be the parents we are called to be. I know it can feel like dancing across a frozen river with a monkey on our back but we need to remember to cherish every moment the Lord gives us with those little versions of ourselves, especially in the midst of our imperfections, knowing that God’s sanctifying grace is at work and it’s his love that shields us.

So, fellow parents, let’s keep dancing through this adventure called parenthood, knowing that God’s love and grace are with us every step of the way. Together, we’ll navigate the ups and downs, embracing the hard truths, and growing into the parents we are called to be, the parents our children need and love.

In Him, with love


P.s. Full disclosure: My kids just came bursting into the room, yelling and screaming with the energy of an atomic bomb exploding. And, of course, I reacted with mercy, love, and grace – you should learn from my example. Just kidding! I did not react with mercy, love or grace! I’m seriously the worst, but I’m truly loved by the best! Hang in there parents! The Lord loves you. He has a plan. He is in control, even when you are not.