Daily Devotions,  Letters of Encouragement,  Pursuit of Holiness,  sovereignty

Attitude of Gratitude.

There it was, the best wave of the day, and it was mine for the taking. With no competitors in sight, I positioned myself for the ride. But as I paddled into position, I was struck by a realization – I was running slightly behind, which would make the launch trickier. In a split-second decision, I paddled straight over the wave, hoping for another to follow. However, my hopes were dashed as no subsequent wave emerged. Despite enjoying ten or so exhilarating waves that morning, this single missed opportunity consumed my thoughts.

As the sun rose, casting its warm golden glow across the water, I eagerly paddled my surfboard into the ocean’s embrace. For two hours, wave after wave carried me in thrilling rides, each setting a rhythm of contentment and ease in my mind. Yet, amidst this symphony of waves, one missed opportunity cast a long shadow over the entire experience.

Am I alone in this tendency to fixate on disappointments and setbacks, allowing a single setback to overshadow numerous achievements? I realize the complexity of the human mind, but this inclination to magnify the negative while downplaying triumphs often frustrates me. It leads me down a path of self-criticism and dissatisfaction, obscuring the bigger picture that includes both successes and setbacks.

Lord, please help me in moments of disappointment, to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Help me understand that a missed wave should not define my entire surfing experience. Instead, guide me to focus on and appreciate the ten waves I successfully rode. Aid me in shifting my focus towards gratitude and unlocking the ability to acknowledge and cherish the multitude of positive moments I’ve encountered in this life, despite a few setbacks.

I pray that I may find solace in the truth that God’s hand guides my journeys. Could it be possible that the missed wave was part of His divine plan, redirecting my attention towards a greater purpose? Absolutely! Embracing this perspective requires trusting His wisdom, even though comprehending the reasons behind these experiences can sometimes seem out of reach.

Just as the tides ebb and flow, life presents us with a continuous series of ups and downs. God uses these experiences, both positive and negative, to shape us into the image of His Son, the ultimate representation of growth and character. Each missed opportunity serves as an invitation for growth in the Lord, allowing us to adjust our perspective, strengthen our resolve, and approach future endeavors with renewed trust in Him.

In life’s vast ocean, our tendency to fixate on missed opportunities can overshadow the abundance of triumphs and joys that surround us. However, by cultivating gratitude, acknowledging divine guidance, and reflecting on the bigger picture, we can be liberated from the weight of disappointment through the power of His Holy Spirit. Lord, please help me navigate life’s waves with a heart brimming with gratitude. Help me celebrate victories for the praise of Your Son. Help me find inspiration and growth amid setbacks. I hope this reflection encourages us to cherish the beauty and lessons found not only in the perfect waves but also in the transformative moments that shape our journey with the Lord.

In Him, with love
