Hard Talks

Beyond the In-Between?

This morning, a friend and I were exercising in my garage when he said something profound. At first, his statement seemed silly, but upon reflection, I realized its truth. We were pushing ourselves through a challenging circuit of squats and squat jumps, and as I began to slow down in my transitions, trying to steal a few extra seconds of rest, my dear friend said, “If we stop moving forward, we will keep moving backward. There is no in-between.”

Initially, in my agony, I thought it was the silliest thing I had ever heard. Of course, there is a middle ground, I reasoned. However, as I pondered his words, I came to understand that he was right. In life, especially in our Christian journey, there can be no middle ground. If we are not actively moving forward, we are only moving backward. Sitting stagnant in a self-deluded comfort zone is equivalent to moving away from our goals.

In fact, Jesus himself emphasized the importance of progress and commitment. To the church in Laodicea, He said, “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” These words are sobering and humbling. Just as slowing down during a challenging workout can set you back and tempt you to quit altogether, slowing down in our Christian walk can eventually lead to complete stagnation.

There are only two directions in this Christian journey: forward or backward. We are either moving closer to Jesus or walking away from Him. We need to be honest with ourselves about the direction we are truly headed, particularly when the path becomes difficult. We must continue moving forward, fighting against the temptations of our flesh, and resisting the lies of the world.

Experienced runners understand that growth as a runner requires enduring pain. Progress in running, like in life, is impossible within the confines of a comfort zone. If we desire growth, we must push past our comfort zone and then keep pushing even further. The same principle applies to our Christian journey. By consistently moving forward, little by little, we will begin to experience growth.

If we stop, even for a moment, or settle in the middle ground of comfort, we may be tempted to remain stagnant and eventually slide backward. However, we are called to so much more! Winston Churchill once said, “If you are going through hell, keep going.” Lord, grant me the strength to persevere and keep moving forward. Help me find solace in the glory of Your promises, knowing that You will fulfill them all.

Assist me in trusting that at the end of this race, You will be there, ready to embrace me for all eternity. Lord, instill in me the resolve to strive toward glory, to press on toward the everlasting joy of Your rest. Today, Lord, keep me moving towards You—my Savior, my King, my Lord.

In Him, with love
