Daily Devotions,  Letters of Encouragement,  sovereignty,  What we believe

Big Bang: A Fact!

This may surprise you, but I wholeheartedly believe in the Big Bang theory. I consider it to be an undeniable fact. Today, I aim to provide a biblical perspective to prove that the Big Bang theory is more than just a mere hypothesis.

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Simply stated, “in the beginning,” God spoke! The magnitude of this event is indescribable—no adjectives can capture its overwhelming nature and while I lack the intellectual fortitude to find a perfect illustration to convey its magnitude, I won’t let that deter me.

Imagine being the proud possessor of an ant farm. You assembled it. You pored in the sand. You deposited the ants. You Placed the very first morsel of food into their transparent dwelling and you watched as the ants diligently worked to dig their very first tunnel. The power over the ants lies in your hands—you can choose to wipe them out or allow them to live. The decision is yours. Will you shake the cage, eradicating them all, or will you let them thrive? Will you continue to feed and protect them, allowing them to exist in their sandy paradise, or will you neglect them, turning your back as they perish?

These ants tirelessly live their lives each day, hardly aware, if at all, that you even exist. Yet, their very survival depends on the fact that you do. While this illustration pales in comparison to the power of our Creator, it seeks to highlight the incredible might he possesses and to the inexpressible power that was on display when He spoke everything into existence. The ease with which He accomplished this feat surpasses the process of assembling an ant farm. Surprisingly, those ants, oblivious to your existence, possess more power in comparison to you than you do in comparison to God. His power is beyond human comprehension.

A single word from His mouth would have resulted in an explosion more intense than countless atomic bombs detonating simultaneously—and that’s an understatement. The magnitude of this event was so monumental that its humming resonance persisted for thousands of years until the universe reached its complete form. It’s no wonder that scientists have theorized about a singular epoch event that brought about the creation of all things. The Big Bang of God’d big voice stands as the epoch of all epochs—an event that set in motion every known occurrence.

Science, when properly practiced, is a wonderful tool that directs us back to God. I firmly believe that science, pursued in the right manner, has and will continue to guide us to the awe-inspiring Big Bang initiated by God’s resounding voice with which he spoke all things into existence.

In Him, with love,


P.s. This is not meant to be an interpretation of the Creation event written about in Genesis. Just meant to be a thought or encouragement in thinking through what that first moment on that first day must have been like.