The Psalms

Coffee, Kids, and Psalm 7

Picture it: Early morning, the sun is just starting to peek through the shutters. You are sitting at the kitchen table, silently reading, praying, and meditating on the day to come. As you groggily make your way through this morning ritual and just as you begin to feel ready for the day, but not quite yet, the noise level seems to rise exponentially. It comes out of nowhere, like a rogue wave burying an unsuspecting ship, but it’s no tidal wave; it’s your four boys tearing into the room like a tornado through an unprepared town. The whirlwind of energy catches you off guard as you’re still trying to finish your much-needed coffee. The toddler is in full meltdown mode, demanding his favorite snack that you ran out of yesterday. The six-year-old is tugging at your sleeve, asking for help with his toast, and in the corner of the room, your older two are already locked in a heated debate about some nonsense matter. Shaking your head, you remember Psalm 7, and you force yourself to mirror David’s plea, “O Lord my God, in you do I take refuge.”

In the midst of this morning mayhem, you can’t help but think of the psalm that you had just been comforted by. Just like David sought refuge in God, you find yourself silently praying for patience and wisdom to navigate these early hours. You draw strength from knowing that God is your anchor amidst the chaos, just as He was for David in times of trouble. As you face this challenging yet beautiful chaos called parenting, you remember that God’s grace is sufficient, even when you feel unprepared. In moments like this, His strength is made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). You realize that the challenges you encounter with your boys are opportunities to turn to God in prayer, just as David pleaded his case before the Lord.

Amidst the noise and crying, find joy in knowing that God has sovereignly ordained this morning to occur. It is He, who loves you most, who has blessed you with these precious souls, and it is all for His greater purpose. Throughout this wild and wonderful season of life, He remains our shield, seeing your efforts and guiding you through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Though it may be hard at times, remember that it is the true antidote for the pitfalls of parenting. Take a deep breath and find comfort in the fact that you are not alone; there’s a whole community of parents navigating the same beautiful mess of parenthood. Therefore, dear Christian parents, let’s continue to press forward with grace, love, and a good cup of coffee, trusting in God’s unfailing love and guidance, just as David did in Psalm 7. Together, we can do this—one chaotic yet joy-filled morning at a time!

“I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.”

Psalm 7:17

In Him, with love
