
Don’t Touch That Flame!

What happens when you touch a flame?

The book of Zechariah can offer wisdom and guidance as we navigate everyday life. Chapter eleven is no exception! Here we are smacked with the powerful image of God’s judgment upon those who choose to reject His love and guidance, and the devastating consequences that follow.

Throughout the ups and downs of life, we are confronted with many choices that can lead us down a wrong path. A wide path if you will. We are faced with many temptations to pursue selfish desires and often times we give in to these temptations instead of following God’s will for our lives. The consequences of these choices can be severe, leading us away from God’s blessing and into a life of hardship and pain.

The message of Zechariah eleven reminds us that we cannot ignore God’s guidance and expect to experience blessing in our lives.

“God is not mocked. His warnings are serious, and his judgments are severe,”

John Piper

This chapter should leave us soberly reminded that our relationship with the Creator must be taken seriously and we must not take His grace with a grain of salt.

“God is holy, and sin cannot go unpunished.”

R.C. Sproul

Please do not ignore the warnings of Zechariah! Please cling to the savior Jesus Christ who died so that we can live.

If you put your hand to a flame. You get burnt! If you hold your hand in the flame you get severely burnt! Obvious and silly yes! But true none the less.

Christ is ready to pull your hand from the flame and make it new. Trust in him!

In Him, with love
