sovereignty,  Uncategorized

Good Morning

Dear Lord, who spilled the coffee?

This morning I’ve been thinking through and writing about God’s sovereignty. Specifically in regards to his sovereignty over events that occur. This is a weighty topic to be sure. The extent of which far exceed the capacity of a mediocre blog.

And as my fingers strategically press down the now friction stained keys of my Mac computer, I find myself stewing in a bat of irony as my completely full cup of steaming hot, creamer filled, coffee tips over and completely covers me and my computer in a not so delightful bath of God’s sovereignty.

Long story short. I’m done writing for the morning.

In Him, with love,


P.s. I am so thankful that God is sovereign and I am not. #Godisgreat

One Comment

  • Sandy

    Superior message on a lazy Saturday noon here. God is sovereign over all the universe and especially in my heart. Touch is in Florida helping the victims get back on their feet. His team has tarped, gotten mud out, chain sawed their way into spots needing opening and all the while, spreading the Gospel.
    I stayed home. It’s too rough a situation down there for this old lady, but all is great here. Kevin due to visit next weekend and Brian two weeks later.

    What’s happening on Cinnabar St.?