a Servant's Heart,  Family

Happy Mother’s Day

Greetings and Happy Mothers Day!!!

I hope this letter finds you all well. I wonder what you have planned for the day. Did anyone forget! LOL!! I hope not. I am glad to report that the O’Neal men did not forget, but continued with the ever cherished tradition of breakfast in bed.

We Men wake up, march down the stairs, prepare mentally, then begin. The precision is laser precise. We are on point. The ingredients all get found with ease and each of us falls effortlessly into our individual responsibility. Owen is on the eggs, three to be precise all scrambled up and ready to pour. Levi is on the batter. Two cups of pancake mix…check… One and a half cups of milk…check…he does it all on his own with zero wining… Owen dumps in the eggs as Levi begins to stir. He is a master. No mess. Stirs the batter to perfection as Owen measures out one teaspoon of vanilla and adds it to the mix…AMAZING!! I’m standing back in astounded awe at what I am witnessing. I think to myself,

“it must be all the years of training or maybe a divine miracle.”

I’m not sure, but the mix is ready for pouring. Owen finds the pan, removes it, expertly places it on the stove, turns the heat on to just the right temperature and begins to butter the pan. As Owen prepares the pan, Levi gathers the walnuts and slices the banana into individually bitesized pieces of pancake decoration ready to be deliciously delivered to the patiently waiting pancake to be. The pan is heated and Owen begins to pour. The transfer is completed without delay and without disaster. Pancake mix to frying pan, not a drop hits the floor. A hush fills the kitchen as Levi lines up to start placing the bits of walnuts and slices of bananas. A bead of sweat begins to form on my brow as I observe. One walnut hits the pancake and I realize. He is a Master!!! Now a piece of banana another walnut and on and on until…Complete!!! The Pancake has been filled to it’s maximum deliciousness potential and is ready to be flipped. Owen steps up, spatula in hand. I find myself a little nervous at this point. Can he do it? Is it even ready? I’m not sure, but up goes my thumb and…FLIP!!! The pancake turns over lands with no splash and in one piece back into the pan. He did it!! We wait for the cake to cook, then remove it and place it onto a glass plate (which is actually a big treat as we have been using paper plates exclusively for a few months now). Levi prepares mom a hand crafted cup of coffee and the delivery process begins. Owen carries the plate, Levi (my 3 year old) carries the coffee, up the stairs they go. I’m amazed as not a drop, not a morsel hits the floor. Amazing!!! Now for the best part. The pay off. The look on my wife’s beautiful face as we enter the room triumphantly! We place the plate on her lap. The coffee on the night stand. Then we wait as she cuts. We agonize as the first bite makes its way to her mouth. Then it happens. She bites down and……smiles,

“This is the best pancake I have ever tasted!!”

She proclaims with angelic charm,

“these are better than restaurant pancakes!”

Victory!!! Men we have achieved victor.

I will let you all decide for yourselves, which parts of that story are true.

What a blessing to watch my boys serve their mom. She is a wonderful lady and we are so blessed to have her. You may have noticed that Lucas was not involved with the breakfast. Well, fret not! Lucas had already hand written a beautiful note and also drew a lovely picture. He hand delivered both to her in bed. Then upon delivery, he snuggled up and read Jill a book. Pretty cool!! This was his own little plan and Jill of course loved it. 

Learning to trust God is so much more satisfying than learning that he can be trusted. What a beautiful journey this lock-down has been, frustrating, maddening at times. Actually down right miserable at times. Not gonna lie, but beautiful. God is so good and we are so fortunate, as believers to be able to watch him do his work and to know that he is doing it and

“that for those who love God all things work together for good. For those who are called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

 I love you all, miss you all, am praying for you all, and hope that you all have a Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Love, mike


  • Betty Droze⁰

    OMGoodness, as I’m reading I felt the end result would be disastrous
    but under the watchful eye of dad all is good!
    I have read postings of Jill’s funny conversations with the boys, so sweet. You two are blessed with amazing and caring boys.
    Happy Mother’s Day Jill.
    And thank you for sharing this wonderful experience.