The Psalms

Love, wine and Psalm 9.

This past weekend, my wife and I finally managed to escape our daily routines and retreat to the quaint town of Solvang for an overnight trip—just the two of us. It was a much-needed time to nourish our relationship by renewing, refreshing, and remembering our deep friendship and love for one another. We indulged in fine wine, enjoyed delicious meals, and found the peace and quiet we’ve been longing for.

As we took this time away, I couldn’t help but reflect on how easily we can become entangled in the frustrations of day-to-day life. We sometimes perceive each other as roadblocks rather than rest stops designed to encourage, refresh, and relieve our daily burdens. We may even become our own worst enemies within marriage, selfishly focusing on our own needs and growing frustrated when they’re not met.

But this weekend was different. It was a reminder that my wife is indeed my best friend. I found myself overwhelmed with gratitude to the Lord for His sovereign care in blessing me with this incredible woman as my wife.

It was fitting, then, that our getaway coincided with my reflections on Psalm 9—a Psalm of thanks and praise to God. This beautiful chapter resonated with my own heart’s outpouring of gratitude. Just as King David expressed his profound thanks to God for His righteous judgments and care for the oppressed, I too found myself thanking God for His sovereignty and love in my marriage.

Psalm 9 reminds us that God is in control, that He sees all, and that He righteously governs our lives. It’s a reassuring message for all of us, especially when we feel lost in the whirlwind of life’s demands. The words of this Psalm brought comfort and encouragement to my heart, reinforcing the notion that God’s love for me is deeper than I know.

I came away from this weekend not only refreshed in my relationship with my wife but also renewed in my faith and trust in God’s wisdom and providence. Just as the Psalmist celebrates God’s goodness, I was filled with praise for the One who knows us best and loves us most.

To anyone who reads this, I encourage you to take time to reflect on Psalm 9 in your own life. Whether it’s in your marriage, your friendships, or any aspect of your daily walk, God’s sovereign care is there, guiding and nurturing us. Let’s continually praise Him, thank Him, and remember His love for us.

As my wife and I returned home, refreshed and reminded of why we chose each other in the first place, I carried with me a newfound appreciation for God’s presence in our lives. And I am so thankful to the Lord for giving us this time away, allowing us to hit the refresh button on our marriage, and guiding us through His Word in Psalm 9.

What a wonderful reminder that He is always in control and that He loves us more than we know!

In Him, with love



  • Donna

    Thank you Mike. I loved reading this one. Praise the Lord for His goodness and kindness.
    Yes, you’ve got a gem of a wife.