a Servant's Heart,  Daily Devotions,  Uncategorized

Oh Voltaire!

“Even if a miracle should be wrought in the open marketplace before a thousand sober witnesses, I would rather mistrust my senses than admit a miracle.”

Voltaire (famous atheist and philosopher)

Unbelief will deny the undeniable as it clings to strong delusion.

As I ponder all the evil being celebrated in our culture today, I have to remind myself that I was once…

“Dead in the trespasses and sins in which I once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience-“

Ephesians 2:1-2 (emphasis added)

The progressive movement is standing on a tomb of their own trespasses and sins, unable to move forward without divine intervention. It has reached the pinnacle of unbelief, with hardly any progressive being able to be called a Christian. To consider themselves a Christian would be to jump into a pool of contradiction. The progressive mindset and the Christian worldview have become completely incompatible.

Though I am now saved, and my eyes are now open, solely due to the grace of God, I must remind myself that I was once unsaved. I used to delight in darkness, approve of things like homosexuality, and even mock those who didn’t. I used to turn a blind eye to abortion and even participated in multiple abortions. I was once dead in my trespasses and sins, living in darkness (Ephesians 5:8).

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved me, even when I was dead in my trespasses, made me alive together with Christ..”

Ephesians 2:4-5a (emphasis added)

Even though the progressive mindset is incompatible with the Christian worldview, those who hold it are not beyond the reach of the one true God – the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It’s important for me to believe this truth and remind myself of it daily.

“-by grace I have been saved-“

Ephesians 2:5b (emphasis added)

I will pray for the progressive thinker. I will share the gospel with the progressive thinker because I will remember that I was once a progressive thinker. I must believe! And I do! Anyone can be saved!

For by grace I have been saved through faith. And this was not my own doing; it was a gift of God,”

Ephesians 2:8 (emphasis added)

And I will remember that…

“…by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Amos 3:6b

The unbeliever would not want to believe in God. The unbeliever could not believe in God. Even if God opened the sky to look down and say hi, a person cannot change his or her own heart!

“The blind won’t gain their sight, by opening their eyes.”

Ghost Ship (Son of David)

I didn’t want to believe. I couldn’t have, outside the Grace of God that is. He worked the miracle in my heart! He gave me eyes to see! He did! Not me! And now I believe! Praise the Lord! It was He who removed the delusion from before my eyes! Because of Jesus, I am free!

In him, with love



I had to write this for my own heart this morning because I found myself tangled in a web of resentment and hatred for the things I am seeing and hearing from the progressive movement. I had to be reminded that they are blind. They are lost. They are under a strong delusion. Just as I once was.

I had to be reminded that I did nothing to change my own heart, but that God was merciful to me a sinner. He was merciful to change my heart. To renew my mind. He gave me eyes to see!

And He continues to be faithful day by day to hold me. By his Grace, I know that I can only continue forward because he is holding me! Moving me! Changing me!

Mike O’Neal on his own would fall right back into his old life. Because…

I am not that great! But God is!


  • Donna

    Gosh Mike, thank you for putting this in writing! What an important reminder for all believers to remember. As we start each day and go into darkness, may we with all humility and the grace of God shine brightly to a lost world. Would you please pray for my daughter? Her name is Stephanie. Please and thank you.

    • Mike O'Neal

      HI Donna!
      Thx for reading!
      Yes of course. Stephanie Got it.
      Would you mind maybe in person or by PM telling me if there is anything in particular we can be praying for her?
      Also, thank you for the continued encouragement.