The Psalms

Psalm 10 in a World Without a True North.

Being a stay-at-home parent in today’s fast-paced, rapidly changing world has its moments of deep introspection. As I go about my daily routine – fighting the good fight of molding four feral boys into God fearing men – I often find myself reflecting on the kind of world these four boys are growing up in. The headlines, the social media posts, the television shows: we are witnessing nothing short of a cultural whirlwind, and much of it is driven by what can be accurately referred to as a progressive sexual marxist revolution. These revolutionaries are not only a deviating from God’s intended design for humanity but are indulging in a complete betrayal of it.

At times, I find myself anxious. The moral fabric of our society seems to be unraveling at an alarming pace, and the very essence of God’s created order – the foundational truth upon which our universe is built – is being questioned, challenged and outright denied.

But amidst this storm of confusion plaguing our world, there is a beacon of hope. One that I frequently turn to in moments of distress. That beacon is the Word of God.

Psalm 10 speaks directly to my heart in these times. It’s as if the psalmist foresaw our current struggles, felt our anxieties, and penned this lament to provide solace. “Why, O Lord, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” These questions resonate deeply with me. The psalmist acknowledges the wickedness and arrogance of those who rebel against God but reminds us, in the midst of this chaos, of God’s sovereignty.

As followers of Christ, we must cling with white knuckles to the beauty of God’s sovereignty. Despite what may seem like a complete disaster, He is always in control. Even when we see society deviating from God’s truth, we can be assured that His will shall prevail. It may not be evident in the immediate, but our Lord’s plans always come to fruition.

Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 echo this sentiment: “Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

Paul’s words remind me that it’s in our most vulnerable moments – when we feel overwhelmed by the culture around us – that Christ’s strength shines the brightest. Our children, despite the challenges of the current cultural climate, have an opportunity to be shining examples of God’s grace, love, and truth.

So, dear friends, as we navigate these uncertain waters, let’s keep our eyes fixed on our unchanging God. Let’s train our children in His ways, fortifying them with the armor of God’s Word. Let’s engage with the culture with grace, love, and truth, remembering that our Lord is sovereign over all.

In the midst of the storm, I find solace in the fact that God’s love is unwavering, His truth is unchanging, and His promises are sure. As a stay-at-home parents, I have the unique opportunity to shape my own children into the next generation of God fearing men. Lord help me to embrace that responsibility, leaning on God’s strength, and find hope in the midst of the storm.

In Him, with love


P.S. A quick reflection on the current state of our culture brings to mind Romans Chapter 1, particularly the verses that discuss God giving humanity over to a “reprobate mind” due to their rejection of His truths. Paul writes of people who, though they knew God, did not honor Him as God. The consequences are clear: as they exchanged the truth about God for a lie, He gave them up to their own depraved thinking.

This serves as a stern warning, and when I see the signs of a generation being handed over in this manner, my heart aches. Yet, let’s not be disheartened. Let this motivate us even more to stand firm in our faith, pray for our generation, and commit to raising our children in the light of God’s unwavering truth. Remember, even in times when it feels like the world is lost, God’s redemptive plan is still unfolding.