Daily Devotions,  Letters of Encouragement,  Pursuit of Holiness

Take Me to Heaven


My fingers currently feel as though they are burdened with tiny dumbbells, and my brain is experiencing a malfunction, overwhelmed by a chaotic whirlwind of scattered thoughts that obstruct its ability to focus on any particular subject. Perhaps it is simply fatigue that plagues me, though I cannot say for certain. Nevertheless, my desire to write persists, leading me to find myself here… obviously.

As I made my way to the gym, a captivating lyric caught my attention as it timidly emerged from the less-than-discerning speakers of my Nissan Pathfinder.

and on my deathbed, I will pray to the gods and the angels. Like a pagan to anyone who will take me to heaven.


This raises an intriguing question: How does one attain entrance to heaven?

Should we direct our prayers to various deities, whoever they may be? Should we address our prayers to specific angels? And what about pagans? Do they engage in prayer? Can we simply pray to anyone? If so, then to whom?

No, no, no, and no!

However, there is a definitive answer! Who holds the key? Who?

Precisely! An excellent question indeed! So, how does one secure passage to heaven?

As Christians, we firmly believe that the answer to this immensely significant question can only be found within the pages of the Bible. The Bible stands as the authoritative and infallible Word of God.

All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching.

2 Timothy 3:16

This God-His way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true.

Psalm 18:30 

In his book,”What is the gospel?” Greg Gilbert says this:

…it is in God’s Word that we look in order to find what he has said to us about his Son Jesus and about the good news of the gospel.”

Greg Gilbert

The answer is simple: the gospel! It is the gospel that brings salvation (Romans 1:16). The gospel, or euangelion if you have a taste for moussaka, encompasses the good news of Jesus Christ entering the world to rescue lost sinners. Jesus Christ is…

the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father accept through the Son.

John 14:6

Yet, amidst the turbulent political and social climate, I fear that some Christ-following Christians have lost sight of the paramount importance of our mission to proclaim the gospel to the farthest corners of the earth. It is crucial to clarify that our mission is not to become entangled in the political and social issues of our time. Our mission is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ’s arrival in the world to save lost sinners. Our mission is to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). We must submit ourselves to the truths found exclusively in the gospel, as it is within the gospel that we discover true peace in our lives.

The gospel serves as the track guiding us towards the ultimate prize, and we are the train propelled by the Holy Spirit, proclaiming the truths of the gospel along the way. If the train derails from the track, it becomes useless. If, as Christians, we deviate from the gospel, we become part of the problem.

It is disheartening to witness that even the band Audioslave seems oblivious to the gospel. Perhaps they might have included Jesus on their list of potential tickets to heaven if they understood or recognized the gospel. I am uncertain. They may have even written this song in protest or mockery of it. What I am certain of, however, is that they missed the mark. They are not alone in this. There are even leaders within the Christian church who have missed it as well. These “Christian leaders” often spend more time directing sheep towards political ideologies rather than towards Christ. They, too, contribute to the problem.

It is a tragedy that there are people in this world who have not heard the gospel. Yet, it is downright embarrassing when this occurs in our own country, where we possess complete freedom to share the good news… at least for now.

I chose this song lyric as a starting point not because I hold anything against Audioslave. Quite the contrary, I genuinely appreciate their music, and this particular song happens to be one of my all-time favorites. They are an American secular band that aligns with their American secular beliefs, and that is okay. This is America, and they are entitled to their beliefs. I wholeheartedly support their right to believe as they wish, even though I may not accept their beliefs as truth. This is one aspect that makes America so remarkable. Besides, I did not express admiration for the lyrics; rather, I expressed my fondness for their music. I do not always pay such meticulous attention to lyrics.

What I cannot support are Christians who lose sight of what truly matters.

It is not acceptable for Christian leaders to idly stand by while trains under their responsibility veer off the tracks.

What matters most? The gospel! The proclamation of the gospel! And, my fellow Christians, the harvest is ripe!

We can never be too familiar with the truths of the gospel. We must never grow weary or disenchanted with its profound beauty. We must preach the gospel to ourselves and to others, believers and unbelievers alike, every single day, as if our lives and their lives depended on it—because they do! The eternal destination of each individual hinges completely on their personal response to the gospel.

For the following weeks, I would like to delve into the gospel bit by bit. I desire to immerse myself in its fragrance, and I would be delighted if the two or three of you who actually read this blog would join me. Let us bask in the splendor of our Savior and His redemptive work. Let us find rest in the finished work of Christ. I long for a deeper understanding of who He is and what He has accomplished.

We are sinners in desperate need of a Savior.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Rom 3:23

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ – by grace we have been saved.

Ephesians 2:4-5

The Gospel

God saves us by Himself from Himself unto Himself for Himself

God – Has power and authority over all things. He is loving, merciful, perfectly Holy, perfectly just, infinitely perfect as our creator to whom we are accountable. (1 Ch 17:20; Ps 102:25-27; Ps 145:3-5; Is 6:1-4; Is 40:18; Is 55:9; Je 10:6-7; Rom 1:18-21)

Man – Created in the image of God, has been separated from God by sin, totally depraved and unable to save himself, in opposition to God, in complete need of a savior. (Gen 1:26-30; Gen 2:2-8; Gen 3:1-24; Eze 18:20; Rom 3:23; Rom 5:12-21; Ga 5:19-21; Eph 2:1-3; 2 Tim 3:1-4; James 1:13-15; 1 John 1:8-10; Jud 1:6-16)

Christ – Jesus, the Savior! Fully God, Fully Man! The great I AM! Lived the perfect life we cannot live, but that is required by God. Died the death we deserve and is risen and alive at the right hand of God the Father. We are reconciled to God through the blood of Christ. (Christ=Messiah) (Rom 5:9; Eph 1:7; Eph 2:13; Col 1:20; Heb 13:12; 1 John 1:7; Rev 1:5)

Saving Response – Because Christ died in your place you are free to confess him as Lord of your life (Rom 10:9), free to repent of your sin and follow Jesus into eternal Glory. Saving belief in Jesus equals being born again into a new life, a life in God. Becoming a new person, still prone to sin, but free and forgiven and able to repent and run to your King Jesus Christ!!!! Your life is no longer your own! Amen! Amen! and Amen! (Matt 3:2; Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38; Acts 17:30; Matt 3:8; Luke 5:32; Luke 24:46-47; Rom 2:4; Rom 6:1-14; Eph 2:8-9; 2 Cor 7:10; 1 Thess 1:9; 2 Tim2:25; 2 Pet 3:9; Eph 2:9,10; Gal 2:20, 5:16-18; Eph 5:18; Col 3:1-4; 1 Cor 15:10,11)

God, man, Christ, response…..This  is an easy way to remember the gospel in order to articulate it to ourselves and to others. Who God is. Who man is. Who Christ is. And how does the born again Christian respond to these life transforming truths. God, man, Christ, response…..

Hopeful that by next week we can start talking about the first factor in this infinitely important equation……Who GOD is!!!!

Love you, thinking of you, whoever you may be, LOL


  • Tom

    Clear and to the point. Thank you Mike for the beautiful reminder. What Is The Gospel, by Gilbert is an excellent, well-written book.