"Seeing and Savoring"

The Riches of God.

This morning, I jumped into Chapter Ten of John Piper’s book, “Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ.” This chapter provided a great look through the boundless riches of our great God, His unfathomable mercy, and the radiant glory that overflows out from His very being.

Piper directs our attention to the reverence we ought to hold for the awe-inspiring magnificence of our Creator. God, the wealthiest being in existence, has eternally possessed unparalleled glory. His divine nature does not depend on creation or possession but rather on the already existing richness of His very being. God’s glory surpasses anything our feeble imaginations could dream up on their own.

The New Testament without a doubt reveals that God’s riches are not confined to His ownership of everything, for He is the Creator of all things. Instead, His wealth finds its foundation and eternal measure in the depths of His own glory. This glory has been with Him since before the very moment He spoke the world we inhabit into existence. His glory does not become greater through creation but has remained constant and boundless throughout all of eternity.

In his book, Piper moves our eyes toward God’s wealth: His mercy. The apostle Paul, in Ephesians 2:7, reveals the purpose of creation: “so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.” All of creation, including the farthest reaches of the universe, serves primarily as a canvas upon which God paints the abundant richness of His merciful compassion towards His redeemed people. This display is ultimately for the praise and glorification of His own magnificence, a glory that is revealed through Jesus Christ, the only Savior of his people from every tribe and tongue.

As we think on these truths, we should be reminded that Christ’s mission on earth was a result of God’s abundant mercy.

“He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to His own mercy”

Titus 3:5

Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we witness an overwhelming display of mercy bestowed upon people from all walks of life, healing the damaging effects of sin experienced in a fallen world while also freeing his people from the bondage of sins power.

The truths presented in this chapter are meant to draw out a profound gratitude and joy within our hearts as we contemplate the boundless wealth of God’s compassion demonstrated through Jesus Christ. It is vital for us to engage in deep reflection on these truths, bearing in mind that God’s mercies are firmly established upon His heavenly throne. Through Jesus, God magnifies His mercy, accompanied by His inexhaustible wealth, power, and wisdom. Our Savior, the embodiment of God’s merciful abundance, serves as a perfect example of genuine love and compassion.

Lord, help me to cherish up in my heart the countless acts of mercy Jesus performed in His earthly ministry. Help me to marvel at the healing of the sick, the forgiveness of sins, his compassion toward the broken-hearted, and the transformation of lives. What a joy to glimpse into the infinite mercies of God, through Christ Jesus, which reveal the depth of His love for us and offer us a profound invitation to partake in His grace.

In Him, with love


P.s. Full disclosure: I’m trying out a new editing program this morning, and it seems to be doing too good of a job… lol. I will play with it some more, but until I figure it out, please enjoy the upgraded writing.