Hard Talks

The Truth!

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6

I have been pondering this convicting verse for a couple of weeks now, and to be quite frank, I haven’t come up with anything profound. That’s probably because this verse is pretty straightforward. I have mostly been thinking about Jesus referring to Himself not just as the only way to God the Father, which He is, not just as the one who possesses the very life of God, which He does, but also as referring to Himself here in this verse as the revealed truth about God, which He is.

This means that if you want to know God, you must know Jesus. This means that if you don’t know Jesus, you don’t know God. This means that if you want to know the Word of God made flesh, Jesus Christ, you must be in the Word of God, the Bible. You must be immersing yourself in the pages of Holy Scripture, understanding the depth of its doctrine, and seeking the truth that can only be found in a living relationship with Jesus Christ. Anything else is false, faulty, and frail. Where you do not have truth, you will not find Christ.

And isn’t this an interesting topic within the context of today’s frigid cultural environment? Isn’t it interesting, in the context of a war being held over what is and is not truth, that we have here the ultimate declaration of who is truth? My friends, if something does not align with Jesus as He has been revealed to us on the pages of Holy Scripture, it is not truth, regardless of what it may be. The delusions that are being honored in our culture today are not truth; they are lies. Therefore, Jesus has no part in them. They are opposite. They are obstinate. They are sin!

What we are witnessing today is a complete rebellion against God and against the truth of His created order. The truth is being subverted. Jesus is being subverted. Basic reality is being subverted by people who have no idea that their entire worldview is in the spirit of the antichrist, who is, in fact, their master. Satan is leaping for joy at the gender transition of every confused teenager, and we should be weeping in pain as we watch people who were made in the image of God being swept away by the current of a self-indulgent culture, lost in its own idolatrous desire for autonomy.

I am praying for the courage to stand for truth in a time where truth is under attack, in a time where truth is considered offensive, and in this time where standing for the truth can get you cancelled, fired, or attacked. People hate the truth because people hate Jesus, who is the way, the truth, and the life. People hate the truth for the same reason darkness hates the light. So, when we are reviled for the truth, we need to remember that it is not us whom they actually hate; it’s Jesus because He is the truth they are reviling.

In Him, with love,
