
The Ultimate Cornerstone!

Moving on to chapter 10 of Zechariah, I find my spirit pulsating from God’s unwavering commitment to His people. Despite our rebellion and straying away from Him, Our Lord relentlessly pursues us, Promising to gather us from our scattered existence and to bring us back to a homeland. This chapter serves as a powerful reminder that God’s promises are not mere wishful thinking but a rock-solid foundation upon which we can build our lives. As we journey through the highs and lows of life, we can rest assured that God’s love is an unquenchable flame that never fades away. Let us anchor our souls in His faithfulness and draw strength from His promises, knowing that in Him, we have an unshakable hope that never disappoints.

Jesus Christ, the ultimate cornerstone, forms the bedrock of our faith, the foundation upon which our lives are built. He is the solid rock on which we can confidently stand, even in the midst of life’s fiercest storms. As we build our lives on Christ, we are transformed and empowered to live in obedience to His will, fulfilling the purpose for which we were created. Let us, therefore, anchor ourselves firmly in Christ, the cornerstone, and build our lives on His unshakable truth, knowing that we have a sure and certain hope that will never disappoint us.

In Him, with love
