a Servant's Heart,  Daily Devotions

What A mine!

As I delved deeper and deeper into this seemingly endless mine, I finally emerged, exhausted, into a cavern of boundless treasures. In my dream, I embarked on this quest for treasure years ago and have been digging tirelessly ever since. Initially, the task seemed perilous, with solid stone walls that appeared unbreakable. However, I pushed forward each day, empowered by the very King who set me on this journey.

As I mined onward, penetrating the strategically placed, infinitely thick wall of stone, I soon began discovering fragments of jewels and specks of gold. With each precious find, my determination grew, and my resolve to continue digging deepened. Each exciting unveiling of treasure fueled my desire to persist, intensifying my fervor. The deeper my Lord compelled me to venture into the mine’s wealth, the more I relished sinking into a mound of immeasurable treasure that was now mine!

I yearned to delve deeper into this cave, swinging my pickaxe with greater force. With every faithful strike, something beautiful, wonderful, and rich seemed to be revealed. As I progressed further, the process became easier and more profitable. Even when my forearms wearied, my gracious king never failed to provide the strength to continue swinging. He demanded that I uncover His hidden riches, and in His benevolence, He equipped me with the necessary resources, power, and desire to press on.

And now, as I sit here at my kitchen table, the realization hits meā€”this is no dream! A tingling sensation courses through my being as I grasp the profound gratitude and inspiration that overwhelm me. I am compelled to write about how thankful and awestruck I am by the immense privilege I possess to read this Holy Bible, which is an inexhaustible mine of flawless treasures! I extend my deepest gratitude, Lord, for your salvation, for the revealed truths within these pages, and for the gift of the Holy Spirit, who navigates me through this endless labyrinth of untold treasures that is the Bible. Thank you, Lord.

In Him, with love
