Daily Devotions,  Letters of Encouragement,  Uncategorized

What About Me?

Sometimes, I get so caught up in pursuing my own goals that I forget to support others in their pursuit of similar goals. It becomes especially difficult when that person achieves their goals while I haven’t. I can easily succumb to the “what about me?” mentality and feel frustrated. I may even feel like the effort I put into something was all for nothing, like a hole I dug in the sand that was filled in by a wave.

This frustration becomes even more intense when I see someone else succeeding, seemingly without any setbacks. They may even be building a sandcastle on my private beach that the wave hasn’t destroyed, which can be especially hard to accept. But, I don’t think that’s really how it works.

What’s actually happening is that I’m failing to recognize the hard work and wisdom that the other person put into building their sand castle. I’m not considering that maybe this beach belongs to someone else, namely God. Perhaps my goal of digging a hole is not the right goal at all, and I need to reevaluate my approach. Instead of asking “What about me?” in frustration, I need to shift my focus to supporting and celebrating others in their successes, and trusting that God has a plan for my own journey.

The truth is, there is probably something that God wants me to learn by not only observing the other person who seems to be achieving what I think I deserve but also by supporting my brother or sister in this goal they have achieved. It’s not an easy thing to do, but the scripture calls me to it.

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Philippians 2:4

“Even when their interests, get in the way of mine?” YES! Even when! Ugh!

“What about me,” is not the right response. It’s the worst response! It is a sinful response!

I will say this for those of you who have been paying attention. Maybe, just maybe, God is filling in that hole, over and over again, on the beach which does not belong to me, in order to keep me or to keep someone else from falling into that giant hole I’ve been trying to dig! It is a possibility that must be considered… No matter how frustrating or painful it may be for my aching little heart to consider.

In Him, with love



Go over and start asking that person some questions. No matter how much it hurts to do. You probably/obviously have something to learn from them. No matter how much that hurts to admit! You are not that great! Smooches!