a Servant's Heart,  Daily Devotions,  Fellowship,  Letters of Encouragement,  Pursuit of Holiness

Wooden Coffee Stirrer.

As the wooden coffee stirrer approached his cup, I found myself in a hilariously awkward situation. Picture this: I was enjoying a delightful breakfast at chic file with two of my closest pals, CJ and Jacob. Now, I have a peculiar habit of fiddling with objects to keep my hands busy, and on this fine morning, it was a wooden stir stick that had caught my attention.

Throughout the morning, I’d been tirelessly attempting to bend the stirrer into a graceful bow without breaking it. Oh, the joys of a peculiar challenge! Little did I know that my morning challenge would lead to a comical turn of events.

Inevitably, nature called, and I excused myself to use the restroom. Upon my return, I noticed that Jacob had bought himself a cup of coffee in my absence. Naturally, I didn’t think much of it since coffee was a main part of the reason for our rendezvous at chic file.

So, settling back into my seat, I eagerly reached for my wooden coffee stirrer, ready to resume my bending quest. But alas! As I continued my bow bending quest, disaster struck with a resounding “CRACK!” The wooden coffee stirrer snapped in my hands, shattering my dreams of a magnificent wooden bow.

Disappointed, I plopped the broken stirrer on the table and carried on with our lively conversation. Laughter filled the air as we chatted and joked, but in the midst of the fine fellowship, I noticed Jacob reaching out for the ill-fated stirrer, poised to stir his coffee.

In a panic, I couldn’t help but blurt out, “Stop! Don’t use that coffee stirrer!” Confusion washed over Jacob’s face as he halted, raising an eyebrow. “Why not?” he queried.

Summoning my courage, I replied, “Well, here’s the thing. When I went to the restroom earlier, I may have, neglected to wash my hands.” Cue the embarrassment and awkward laughter that followed.

In an attempt to redeem myself, I rose from my seat, determined to demonstrate humility in an attempt rectify the situation. Off I scurried to grab my friend a new wooden coffee stirrer, which he graciously accepted. With a giggle on his breathe, Jacob gingerly stirred his coffee, obviously amazed by my heroic display of humility.

Now, you might be wondering, what’s the purpose of this delightfully awkward and hilarious tale? Well, let me explain in a nutshell. I’m sharing this light-hearted escapade to showcase the depths of my humility and extend a comical invitation to all of you to embrace the notion of being just like me, striving for humility in your own lives.

Remember, my friends, true humility isn’t just about embracing our silly mishaps; it’s about valuing others, learning from our mistakes, and treating everyone with respect and kindness. So, let’s raise our coffee cups, toast to humility, and embark on this journey together, one laugh at a time!

In Him, with love


P.s As I recited this revised version to my wife for her approval, a look of disgust crossed her face, mingled with a hint of amusement escaping her lips. With gentle politeness, she pointed out a glaring oversight on my part—despite my grand confession earlier, I had neglected to wash my hands before retrieving a new stir stick for Jacob. Oh, the irony!

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